Hello, I'm an illustrator, a mum, a cat lover, and a picture book enthusiast!!

Thursday, 21 August 2014

A Quickie, and some Big Bright News!!

Just a quickie, to let you know that you can get 2 new canvasses of mine from www.happyspaces.co.uk

Click on the images for the links

My big news is that I am now represented by The Bright Agency
I'm really looking forward to working with them! Yay!

Thursday, 15 May 2014

New book artwork

Well, well, well....Its been too long since I've posted.
I have been super busy with illustrating 3 books.
Heres a preview of two of them
These are educational books, with lovely simple stories.


I've also worked on a few new images for Happy Spaces.
Heres my favourite one.
'Stuck In Traffic'
I will link it here when its available to buy.

I have lots to share with you from my work with Make Believe Ideas.
Watch this space!